At first, there were the one hundred views of Japan.
Nippon100 began as a challenge: to explore the 100 Japanese views of Heisei era in a single year. We succeeded in doing that between February 2017 and March 2018 and did discover a hundred iconic landscapes, elected by the Japanese themselves and located in the whole country. We wrote about this adventure here on the blog, before publishing a book in France in October 2018.
But there are still plenty of views to discover and to share. After the first hundred views, we are still writing about Japan, a fascinating country for travelers with many more amazing sites to visit. Our blog is dedicated to them and we hope to share with the readers our discoveries and inspirations.
Japan is also a great outdoor and nature destination, something we were aware off before our first trip there. And the country is also home to an intriguing habit: ranking the landscapes. You will often find in the blog references to these elections, along with lists and records. That’s were the name Nippon100 comes.
« The 21st century will be Japanese or won’t be at all »,
Cabu, in “Cabu au Japon” (1993, éditions du Seuil)